Wednesday 16 February 2011

Time for my close up

I spent this morning at the Careers Info HQ being interviewed on camera about becoming an entrepreneur and working mummy.  Apparently I’m an excellent case study for both… J

Careers Info are an amazing skills and careers media production company who specialise in making films about apprenticeships, entrepreneur’s, careers and everything in-between.  They produce an informative, interactive and FREE resource for schools called CareersBox that allows students to engage with possible employers, apprenticeships and universities, enabling them to explore all options as school leavers interactively.

I was at their Cambridge based studios today working with Noah and Dion on a piece of film highlighting the benefits (and challenges) of starting your own business and discussing the juggling act that is being a working mum.  I haven't done any presenting to camera work before so I was pretty nervous.  It's so different to public speaking but Noah and Dion settled my nerves and I really enjoyed the experience, although I wasn't loving how I looked on screen!

The film will be available to view soon so watch this space!

For more details on Careers Info and their fantastic resource that is CareersBox please visit, email James Lawrence on or follow them on twitter @careers_info 

Thanks guys!

Tuesday 18 January 2011

Masters at Motivating

I was at The New Players Theatre today to attend the first session of The Marketing Masters Series with Kimberly Davis of Sarsaparilla Marketing and The Apprentice 2009.

My goal was to turn my baby brain back into a business brain after having the last 6 months off on maternity leave and with a new client now on my books, a refresh was needed!

I have to admit, I was expecting a full day sales pitch with not much content but was proved wrong and am pleased and extremely grateful to come away fully charged and ready to take action of my own marketing freelance service.  Yes, there was the option at the end to take advantage of special day rates for further master classes and one-on-one sessions but that most certainly wasn't the focus, unlike other master classes I have attended.  I found Kimberly to be an extremely warm, informative and funny speaker, giving great marketing advice to small business owners.

We also had the pleasurable experience of hearing motivational speaker Brad Burton, author of 'Get Off Your Arse'. Wow, this guy is wicked! He has been there, right at the bottom and shared with us his amazing success story with fabulous humor and straight talking!  A breath of fresh air compared to the normal, suited and booted, stiff talking you get from other motivational speakers. Brad will, in no uncertain terms, motivate you!

I'd really suggest small business owners understand what marketing needs their company has before approaching someone, like myself, to execute it for them and attending one of these sessions will do just that.  It could be the motivation you need to put those thoughts into actions!  As Kimberly touched on today, it is important to understand all aspects of your marketing but you shouldn't do everything yourself if you don't have the expertise!  It will cost you less to get it right first time professionally than to have to re-do marketing mistakes. Present yourself as you wish to be perceived.

For more info on Kimberly Davis go to 
For more info on Brad's book 'Get Off Your Arse' go to 

Thursday 23 December 2010

Business New Year Resolutions

We all have the typical personal resolutions, exercise more, stop eating chocolate blah blah blah, but how about resolutions for your business or work ethic?  The New Year is always a great motivation to give yourself a good kick up the you know what and put those plans into action.

As a new freelancer (and full time mumma of a 6 month old) I thought I'd share a few of my light hearted business new year resolutions to inspire you to do the same!

1.  Keep connected - Whatever your platform, Twitter, Linkin etc it's good to talk.  Keeping up-to-date with your industry and connecting with others is the best way to get you noticed and to keep yourself and content relevant.

2. To-do lists - I know there are apps and fancy calendar things on outlook that can do this for you, but for me, you can't beat a good old fashioned written to-do list.  Which reminds me, must put 'write to-do list' on my mental to-do list!

3. Stop putting exclamation marks in copy, tweets and blogs when not entirely necessary!!  I know, it's annoying, I just get excited! :)

and finally number 4. Don't sweat the small stuff - However stressed you may get with work in 2011, if you have a child that smiles at you like mine, you know that family is the most important thing in this world.  So make time for them and don't let business rule your head 24/7! (that ! was needed)

Discuss on Twitter #businessnewyearresolutions

Wednesday 22 December 2010

To gift or not to gift?

Tis the season to be jolly and a jolly client makes for an easier working relationship, we can all appreciate that!  Gifts and dinner invitations seem to arrive in waves this time of year to offices around the world but do clients appreciate the good will or are they laughing at you from a desk brimming with champagne, gift vouchers and Nintendo Wii's (yes, a company I know send Nintendo Wii's to their top clients).

I can view this subject from two ways, working client side it was nice to receive shortbread and chocolates (yep, no Wii's for me!) but did it make me loyal to those suppliers?  Not really! and shouldn't it really be the client thanking the supplier for all their hard work over the year? All we ever sent suppliers was a generic html e-card, woo!  but now, working as a freelancer, I do find myself looking for ways to impress clients and set myself apart from the rest.

It is all becoming a tad like parents buying presents for teachers, the bigger the better, but is it productive?  My feeling is that the old faithful, hand written, Christmas card with a personal message should do the trick!